dog walking on Tues 6/29

Homer has such a sweet face! Homer & Easter - I spent some extra time with them last night.... actually a tv show I like was on so I gave them bones to eat and I got to watch the tail end of my show.  I think they enjoyed spending some time in the den.  This morning it is less humid out so I left them outside.  I will be by close by your house lunch-time-ish so I'll stop by and put them inside then.  Lunch time:  I let them inside.

Bailey is being very sweet to just sit here while I take her picture.  She really was waiting for me to throw her ball!

Chester is stretched out on the tile after our walk this morning.

Chester & Bailey - Chester did a little dance for me this morning.  He'd peed outside in the yard and I think he was doing the dance hoping that breakfast was coming next.  I fed them and then we went for a nice walk around the park.  It felt much better outside this morning than it has in several days!  Although I need to pay attention to where I'm walking instead of just watching the dogs.  I didn't duck and hit my head on a low hanging branch.... I'm not even that tall!  LOL

Quigley & Jackson - They had a major wrestling match in the backyard when I let them out right when I got there.  I was sure to stay out of the way!  We went for a walk and it seemed to go better.  Different collars would make it easier.  They of course, snarfed their dinner down too!