Dog and Cat Sitting on Wed 6/30

pretty girl Bailey Chester is resting after the walk!

Chester & Bailey - I'm always thinking that I need to get to your house first thing in the morning to let Bailey out so she can pee.  She is always more interested in finding her tennis ball and Chester is ready to go out and pee!  We walked around the park this morning (I ducked under the tree limb today!)  2nd visit:  we walked around the park again.  Chester pooped (they both pooped this morning) and Bailey tried to scarf a banana peel... she dropped it when I asked her to.

Easter is always a happy girl!

Easter & Homer - I left them outside again this morning.  It is supposed to be cooler today although they are calling for thunderstorms.... I'll pay attention to the weather.  It was sprinkling but not stormy this morning.

Lucy - She was all wiggly when she came out of her crate today.  She is definitely feeling better!  We had a nice long walk to and she walked!