Hero - Hero enjoyed our walk today. The weather wasn't too cold and it wasn't raining. Grace - It was nice to see Grace again. I fed her and of course she was happy about that! I also fed Max and the fish.... (I can't remember the fish's name, Nemo? I know it is something along those lines!)
Brady & Ferguson - we made it around the circle 2 times today. I worked on some leash training with the boys.
Max - Max was standing up when I came in today. He had peed on the towels so needless to say, he didn't have to go when I took him outside. He got up and down the stairs really well today!
Cleo - Miss Cleo and I took a nice walk up and around the park today.
Dusty - bless Dusty's heart. I confused him today. We walked outside and he pooped pretty quickly then of course I realized I didn't have a poop bag on me. We walked back into the house so I could get one and Dusty thought it was dinner time. He was confused when we went back outside!