On day 4, I was meeting up with the photographer Mark again and he'd arranged for us to go to Northern Lights Wildlife Wolf Center in Golden, British Columbia to do their "walks with wolves." The facility was started by a husband and wife team dedicated to educating the public on wolves and they offer photography tours. They brought out two wolves for our walk: Scrappy Dave (3 years) and Maya (16 years.) Maya used to be black... I would've loved to have met her then. The pictures of her on their website are gorgeous. Northern Lights Wildlife Wolf Centre website link
If the wolves approached us, we were allowed to pet them. I wasn't sure what to expect but in my opinion, Dave and Maya were fairly domesticated. They reminded more of dogs than wolves. I didn't know anything about the center before going there. I assumed they were a rescue but they are not. They only have wolves that were bred in captivity.
I have a ton a pictures from the day. Below are some of my favorites.
Scrappy Dave and Maya