Greta and Abbey - they are doing just fine. I saw them yesterday for the first time at the dinner visit. Your neighbor and I had been texting back and forth during the snow. She came over while I was there during my first visit so we got to meet. Someone has pooped in the house 2x. When I got there at dinner yesterday and now again this morning, I found it. Abbey is peeing a lot too. I'm not sure if that is normal for her or not but I will keep an eye on it today and may contact you about it. I fed them dinner and breakfast, I saw them last night around 9pm for a potty break and I've given Abbey her pills too (1 yesterday at dinner and 2 this morning.) I was hoping to leave the dogs outside when I go at noon today but it is raining. :( The yard is pretty muddy too b/c of all the snow that is melting. Oh and Abbey likes to eat snow! Silly girl!