Max, Pepper and Henry - Henry has decided that he likes me. :) He isn't hesitant at all when I drive up... he is really excited to see me. I ran around with he and Pepper last night and this morning. They will certainly be happy when you're home... I think they're pretty bored. Max seemed much better this morning. He got up much faster (and on his own).
Chloe - she will be happy to see you. She is always really happy to see me and she is enjoying her walks but I now she missed you. I did leave her out in the yard for a few hours yesterday afternoon while the sun was out and it warmed up.
Chester and Bailey - Chester always rolls over for a belly rub when I come in. Bailey just comes bounding into the room ready for playtime, mealtime, walk time... I don't think she cares, anything seems to make her happy!
Simba - He seemed a little gimpier and out of it yesterday. We just took short walks so he could do his business. His poo has been fine the whole time and now this morning he seemed a little better. He certainly hasn't issed a step when it comes to meal time!
Jay and Chloe - We had a really nice visit yesterday afternoon. It was pretty outside so we played for a long time and just hung out in the yard. I do think Chloe was jealous though. :)
Sparky - I was glad the weather warmed up for her. It was a great afternoon to be out yesterday. More of the same today too!
Minnie and Moe - Moe is a character! He has been excited to eat, then he wants my attention, then he wants to play or get some catnip! Minnie has made her appearance to eat too while I've been there.
Jasper - he is eating and using his box but I haven't seen him!
Scarlett and Oliver - Scarlett was at the door again yesterday but I was ready. She didn't slip out this time! I fed them both, scooped the box, and refreshed the water.
Baby - she followed me around the whole time I was there, flipping and flopping around on the floor. She is silly!