the dog walker on Sunday 6/23

Scout just chillin in the yard this morning. Scout - He's been curled up on the chair when I've come in.  His tail wags and then he gets up to greet me.  We've been spending part of the time in the yard and part in the house.  I gave him his meds this morning and fed him breakfast.  He'd eaten all of the food in his bowl overnight.  He is wanting to eat grass when we're outside.

After our walk, Chloe is just hanging out in the yard.

Chloe -  I am enjoying our visits.  I think she is too.  We saw another neighbor this morning and that always makes Chloe happy.  She always has to do a check of the yard when I first let her out.  She is pretty funny!

Speedy and the turtles - they are all fine.  The turtles are all coming up their food.  Speedy is being more shy and staying in his house when I'm there.  I'm giving him fresh water, food and hay every visit.