the pet sitter on Thurs 12/29

Sounds like Nutmeg is enjoying Shannons visits. Cinnamon & Nutmeg - Check out Nutmegs curly tail!!  In my experience, when a cat curls their tail...they are happy cat!!   He was my helper in writing your notes. :-)  I opened the sliding glass door (with the screen pulled closed) to let in some fresh air for a few minutes, and they really enjoyed it!  All is well here :-) Cinnamon is such a love muffin!

Eli, Chaos and Peyton all crawled up on the same bed.  Too cute!!

Eli, Peyton & Chaos - We had a very productive morning today!  All 3 peed and pooped when we were outside! :)  I did find someone's pink slipper that had become a chew toy.  I hope they weren't new and a present from Santa.

Ollie couldnt decide if he wanted to chase his ball or eat grass.  I think he is part cow! :)

Hadley & Ollie - I had them in all day yesterday.  With all the rain even though it was sunny out yesterday, I thought it was still chilly and probably muddy in the yard.  They did just fine (no accidents in the house!) and I still tossed the ball a lot for Ollie.  Hadley didn't want to come in last night though.... I finally lured him in after what seemed like a long time but was probably on about 10 minutes of coaxing. :)

Chester &  Bailey -Chester was snoozing in the cutest position when I arrived this am...quietly I reached for my phone to take a was still in my car!  Oh well!  He was adorable anyway!!!  Even without documentation ;-)  They both inhaled their breakfast, post Chester's cheez it/pill wonderland!  They both peed and pooped on our (very cold) walk!