dog and cat sitting on Sunday 11/27

Sparky - It is warmer out this morning so I am sure she is loving being out!  I fed her breakfast and the fish and then we went outside.  She was happy! Lucky, Rocky, Maddie and Cotton - Lucky went running for the back corner of the fence... I"m guessing you'd had a visitor (hopefully a deer!) and she smelled it.  I didn't see it but I did hear something making noise in the leaves so I'm guessing it was a deer.  Both dogs peed and pooped, I fed them all breakfast and I scooped the cat box.

Nas - he came scooting out from underneath the garage door as soon as I opened it and then I heard him meowing at the back door.  I put his food and water on the deck and I grabbed your NY Times! :)  I saw "the boyfriend" lurking behind a tree across the street.  I think they missed each other!!  LOL!

Jay and Chloe - Jay went shooting out in the yard ready to chase off any deer but we didn't see any this morning.  She sniffed around a lot again though.  I played with her, fed them both and scooped Chloe's box.  Not much in there this morning except for crumbly stuff.

Baby & Callie - Baby really wanted out this morning but I didn't let her.  I fed them and scooped the box which was really full again.  I loved on them both too.