dog and cat sitting on Sat 10/15

Sweet pea Zack Sadie - sitting very nicely for her photo opp!

Henry really wants to be outside with Zack and Sadie!

Zack, Sadie and Henry - I left you a note after my visit that goes like this:  I'm not sure how you juggle 2 kids, 2 dogs and 1 cat.  I was having issues trying to figure out how to open the back door, grab Zack's uneaten food before Sadie got to it and not have Henry scoot out the door.  Sadie helped me.  I grabbed Henry, opened the door and walked out (with Henry) and picked up Zack's food.  Sadie waited at the door like a very good girl!  I was impressed.  Henry tried to escape out the door as I was coming inside with the dogs this morning.  He is a sneaky one!  Everyone is doing just fine.  Zack didn't eat all of his dry food yesterday but I put it in the fridge, added his breakfast to it and zapped it in the microwave and he ate it all this morning.

I cant remember which one got the hair cut and without a picture of the other, I just dont know who this is.

Lucky, Rocky, Maddie and Cotton - It has been dark every visit so far so Lucky hasn't gotten to play much.  She is ready though.  There is a very large stick, actually more like a limb that she can't wait to play with!

Gracie was much more patient about getting her picture taken.  I got a picture of Louis backside!

Louis, Gracie, Edward and Holly - Given your warning about Gracie, I leashed them up and walked them around the backyard last night when I got there!  I didn't want her staying outside all night.  It worked.  They both peed and she pooped.  This morning it was dark so I just let them out back.  She eventually came in when I called. :)  The dogs both ate their dinner from last night, Edward ate most of his and I fed Holly this morning.

How Hadley spent his morning while Ollie and I played ball.

if Ollie could speak:  Put the camera down and throw the ball!

Hadley & Ollie - So far, no ill effects from the "bag of peanuts eating incident" from last night.  I can't believe I didn't take a picture of it.  There were shells everywhere!

Jackson - Jackson continued to snooze this morning when I came inside.  I saw him sleeping in the sunroom but he just continued to snooze and finally I guess he decided it was time to wake up and go outside.  I'm guessing he's snoozing again right now!

Roux and Gracie - they LOVE having the front door open.  Gracie especially.  Roux played some with me this morning but Gracie just stayed by the front door.

PJ - I've been rubbing his head each visit and his motor just goes.  He might like that better than is food and that is saying a lot!

Lincoln - I won't post until Sunday am.