dog and cat sitting on Sunday 8/21

Sweet Miss Madison waiting for her turn to get some lovin. Steve, Madison and Murphy - Steve was funny last night.  He kept inching up closer to my head and by this morning we were nose to nose.  M&M both slept on the bed all night too but they stayed down towards the bottom.  Steve's poo was closer to normal this morning.  Still pretty soft but not runny at all.  He got to spend some time with Ginger yesterday afternoon and he will again today too.  I saw Ginger's mom yesterday.  When I went for the dinner visit, he wasn't home yet so he might not be home when you get back today! :)

Sweetie - We had a nice walk this morning and she took care of all of her business.  I fed her before I left and she was gobbling up her breakfast when I left.

Gracies sweet smile.  It was obvious Maisy hadnt warmed up to the camera so I quickly put it away.

Maisy and Gracie - it is so good to see them again and I see what you mean about Maisy.  She is being just great.  She didn't run from me at all and on my first visit yesterday, she came right up to me when I grabbed her harness.  This morning they played with each other and there were a couple of stuffed toys involved too.  I LOVE seeing her come out of her shell.  They're both such sweet girls!

Lincoln was rummaging around in the bushes and he comes out with this HUGE stick.  FUNNY!!

Lincoln - he's such a sweet old guy :)  He's been doing just great.  He loved his walk this morning.  I was going to turn but he wanted to go straight so guess what?  We went straight! :)  Then I figured out why.... one of your neighbors leaves a container of milkbones out.  He obviously knows the path that leads to all of the milkbones!  haha!  He had a staring contest with a squirrel.  I think he enjoyed his walk!!