dog and cat sitting on Saturday 6/25

Rosie - we didn't have any other bad weather last night so when I arrived at your house this morning, everything was as I'd left it Friday night.  I felt badly for Rosie. I know she was really scared when the storm rolled through late yesterday afternoon.  She was fine this morning.  She ate a little breakfast and bounced around the yard some. :) Cloud and Chloe - they both greeted me when I walked in today.  They'd eaten all of their food from yesterday so I feed them their wet food and then the dry just as I was leaving.  Cloud must not have liked the way I scooped his box yesterday b/c there was poop on the floor this morning.  It cleaned up easily.  I scooped the box again (it did have a bit in it to be scooped out) and I sprinkled some baking soda freshner in it to make it smell nice for him.  haha!! :)

Boone & Moxie - I let them outside this morning and then fed them.  I even put a few ice cubes in their water outside before I left.  I fed the kitties too.