Eli, Peyton & Chaos - thank goodness you live closeby. My garage door won't open so my car is stuck. I walked to your house this morning. Everyone is doing just fine but I know they'll be very happy to see you. They've been eating a lot while you've been gone. The food bowl was empty again this morning when I got there. Biscuit - I will see him a little later this morning (see above note about garage door not working!) After walking to see E, P & C who are inside dogs, I'm going to wait to see Biscuit once I can get my car out since he is outside already.
Duke: Here is what Laura wrote earlier in the week. Duke is eating his regular food now but this is kind of funny: Duke has chosen to be on a "Beggin Strips" diet right now. He is not really interested in regular food, just junk food. I don't blame him :) He is even being choosy with his treats! It has to be Beggin Strips. Other than not eating a lot, he seems to be doing well.