dog walking on friday 5/7

Alex & George - see pictured on the post from Wed 5/5.  They were my first walk of the day today.  We walked around a couple of blocks and then I brought them back inside to feed Mr. Alex.  George sat for a couple of treats too! Tank - my 2nd walk of the day.  A little different from walking Alex & George!!  Tank is a svelte 102lbs but he's as lovable as George and is about the same energy level as George (except when he sees a squirrel... which he did.)  Needless to say, he would've loved to chase the squirrel but his leash was connected to me and I didn't want to chase the squirrel!  Tank was my 4th walk of the day too... it was a lot hotter so we went on a shorter walk this afternoon.  Black dog, not a lot of shade - I didn't want him to get too hot!

This is Tank before he rolled over on his side just begging me to pet him!

Max - Max got up fairly easily today to go outside and pee.

Dusty - Dusty was still in the chair when I came in today :)  He did get up (of course!) to go for his walk and he loved his snack too.