Rosie was doing just fine tonight. She must've been sleeping in the bedroom because she came around the corner as I came in the door. She whimpered and paced around for the first couple of minutes. I opened the back door to let her outside and she'd go out but then come right back in the house. So I walked outside and within a minute or so, she came outside. She peed and pooped and then we went back in the house.
I'm guessing she was experiencing some separation anxiety. She settled down as soon as we got in the house and laid down right beside me. I pet her which she really seemed to enjoy. I was able to stay for an hour and wish I could've stayed longer because I know she liked having me there. I let her out again before I left and she peed. (Her food bowl was empty when I got there tonight.) I did give her a couple of treats.
I did notice that the sheets, comforter, and pillows are all off of your bed and on the floor. Did you put them there or did Rosie? It looked like a very nice pile for her to sleep on but I wasn't sure if they were supposed to be there. You can "comment" back on this post or send me an email to if you want to reply back.
She's a sweet, sweet girl.