Cat Sitting with Bo & Gil

True to form, Bo and Gil met me at the door today with a couple of meows.  I think they really miss you.  Gil seemed to be really interested in just getting my attention today- he just wanted to be pet.  Bo enjoyed getting rubbed on too but he was into playing as well.   I called your dad today and he still isn't here.  He's thinking he should make it on Sunday.  I think Bo & Gil would enjoy his company. They'd not eaten quite as much the past couple of days.  There was food still in their bowl.  They had plenty of water too.  I cleaned out their box and gave them a couple of extra ear rubs before I left.  I've been leaving you notes everyday at your house too.  You'll notice the awful handwritting on today's note:  Gil thought my left hand should've been petting him, not writing you that note!