National Love Your Pet Day

If you’re here and you’re reading this, I’m guessing every day at your house is National Love Your Pet Day. I know it is at my house.

When you hire me as your dog walker or pet sitter, I’ll treat your pet like it’s National Love Your Pet Day every day too.

I’ve been a professional dog walker and pet sitter for almost 12 years. Every single day I get to work with dogs. Even after all this time, I still have to pinch myself that I’ve made this lifelong dream come true.

As a kid, I was the one who wanted to be a veterinarian. But as I grew older, I realized I didn’t have thick enough skin to deal with the sick ones. Knowing that I couldn’t save them all would’ve been so hard on me. Or dealing with the emotional side of the pet parents who need to have a procedure on their pet that they can’t afford. That kind of stuff just breaks my heart because I want to help them all.

happy golden retriever with his tennis ball during pet sitting visit

So starting See Spot Run Charlotte Dog Walking and Pet Sitting was a perfect fit for me. I get to spend every day with a lot of different dogs (and a few cats here and there.)

I get to be part of the highlight of your dog’s day.

And do you know what? Your dog is the highlight of my day too.

When I open the door to your house and see your dog wagging his tail because he is happy to see me, it makes my day.

I will treat your dog as if every day is Love Your Pet Day.

So what do we do on my visits? Whatever you want me to do.

That might be taking your dog for a walk. Is your dog a fast paced walker? I love getting exercise.

Does he prefer to wander and sniff? We can do that too.

Do you have a fenced yard and he loves chasing a ball? If so, I hope you have a chuck-it because I don’t have the greatest arm. LOL

Tennis ball loving golden retriever Ace is pictured here.

The bottom line is, whatever makes your dog happy during our visits is what I’ll do. I’ll treat your dog like every day is National Love Your Pet Day.

#loveyourpetday #nationalloveyourpetday #charlottenc #dogwalker #petsitter