See Spot Run

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pet sitting on Sunday 7/22

He is sitting nicely... he wants the treat in my hand! :) Lincoln - He is doing just great.  He enjoyed rolling around in the grass both visits yesterday and this morning we took a walk.  He loved the walk as always!

Scout - hanging out on the deck until the mosquitoes attacked.

Scout - He is such a sweet guy.  He's been getting a lot of rubbing... he likes it when I rub his neck and if I stop, he "paws" me. :)  Too funny.  He also wants to pick up one of your tennis shoes every time he goes into the backyard.  I'm not sure what is up with that but it makes me laugh.  This morning he picked up both of them at once.  I've been giving him all of his medicine too.

Hadley... all ready for night night last night.

Hadley & Ollie - I let them out last night and then this morning, Hadley ran outside with a towel in his mouth before I saw it.  I got it back inside though. :)  I can be sneaky too!!

Hawk - wishing Id throw the tennis ball!

Turk - waiting to see once I throw the tennis ball, can he get to it before Hawk?

Hawk & Turk - Hawk is as ball crazy as ever.  I had to let them run around the yard last night before attempting to leash them up for their walk.  Turk was a little excited when he saw the leash. :)  Big party on your street last night, lots of cars and people out so we didn't want too far but they did both pee (Turk several times) and they both pooped too.  They're out in the yard now til you get home.

Tibby Whiskers - she is just fine.  I gave her the medicine all three visits and scooped her box.

Otis - taking a little break from playing.

Otis and Lola - they are funny.  Otis loves to play and Lola has played along some too.  They're both eating well (no surprise with Otis huh?) and then we're spending time out in the yard.  I LOVE your backyard although I should've known better than to sit down in one of your chairs this morning.  My backside got a little damp!

Annabelle heading back into the house after our walk this morning.

Annabelle - she is doing just great and she even had eaten some of her food when I got there this morning.  She is going to hang out some today with her neighbor friends and I know she did last night too.  I've not moved the ferns yet.  I will try today.... I went to get them yesterday and they were really wet and I didn't want to get soaked moving them. :)