dog and cat sitting on Saturday 2/18
First of all, Happy Birthday to my youngest niece Courtney who turns 16 today. (where does time go???) She is pictured on my website. If you are on the home page and watching the flash box, she will be the "little" girl who is holding her chihuahua Emmie. It's the 6th picture that will flash. I'm guessing I took the picture in 2004 which means Cook was 8. (seriously.... where does time go!!)
Sadie and Henry - they are doing just fine. Sadie has greeted me both visits by barking up a storm to let me know she is ready to come upstairs! She loves her bed too, huh? We sat on it together last night for awhile and I rubbed on her and she gave me kisses. This morning I let them both outside, fed them and then let them out again but as soon as Sadie took care of all of her business, she was ready to come back in and get on her bed. I must say, I miss your sweet old man, Zack. :) RIP cute boy.
Scoobie - It took Scoobie a few minutes to warm up to me today but he did and we went for our walk. He peed a bunch of times and he pooped too. I fed him too.
Harley & Gibby - someone decided to chew up the towel a little bit so I picked them up before I left this morning. I'm not sure if Gibby did it overnight or if it was done before Harley was crated for the night. Gibby of course is eating well and Harley is too for the most part. He finished all of his dinner last night and most of his breakfast this morning. Gibby is getting all of his medicine too.
Chester & Bailey - I saw them last night for the dinner visit. It was around 6pm and no one was there. :) Chester met me at the door and so we grabbed Bailey and went out back. After they did their business, they were ready for dinner!!