pet sitting on Fri 12/30
Sadie - She is doing just great. Our walk last night was a little shorter (she did pee and poop) but it was really dark! This morning we took a longer walk, she peed a bunch of times and she pooped too.
Sweetie - She is doing just great. She was excited to see me last night. Her whole body was wiggling. She curled up in her bed for a belly rub last night before I left. She greeted me at the door this morning. We went outside and then I fed her breakfast.
Cinnamon & Nutmeg - Cinnamon and Nutmeg were very sweet today! Cinnamon followed my lead by flipping over on her back on the floor! She moved a lil as I snapped her picture, sorry for the blur ;-) Nutmeg has been very playful and loving as well! Always smells my shoes near the door... haha!
Chester & Bailey - Chester and Bailey were awoken from their dreaming earlier than they'd like this morning! They were my first visit at 530 :-) Chester grunted along the way, but went pp out back before breakfast...and cheez whiz pii/treats!!!! He lives for this moment these days ;-) Bailey wanted her stick...but I've hidden it again :-) heehee. All ate, walked and did their "business"! Lol Genny & Max -Max and Genny were perky pups today! I stood to the side as Max ate, poised with the cone for quick adornment ;-) he's quick to lick! (Sorry...couldn't help myself!) All was well...took his pills and spent lotsa time outside!
Gray Cat - I had to go looking for her today and when I found her, she hissed at me. haha. I left her alone. She still had plenty of food. I gave her fresh water and left out a few treats for her.