pet sitting on Saturday 9/17
Scoobie - We walked in the dark and chilly weather this morning. It was early but it felt so nice! Scoobie and (all the dogs actually) and I love these cooler temps. He did lots of sniffing and he peed and pooped of course too! Jackson - Jackson was after something in the yard this morning. He was digging after it but never got anything. I enticed him away with a treat. :) Good thing he loves pupperoni!
Cooper, Spenser, Bubba and Ruby - They are doing just fine and loving meal time! Cooper still was really hesitant to leave the porch this morning. It took me about 10 minutes to coax him off... I had to resort to using his food to get him down. It worked!
Lulu - Lulu had a little hobble in her step this morning so we took it easy on the walk. She got to see Maggie while we were out too. She got her pills in peanut butter along with her breakfast.