dog and cat sitting on Saturday 4/30
Jay and Chloe - funny pix to post later today but I wanted to get something posted quickly before I run out again. (I opted to shower vs post pictures... sorry! :) ) I fed Chloe as soon as I got there and then Jay and I played in the yard. The weather is perfect so we both loved being outside!
Holly - Holly and I had a nice leisurely walk this am. She did lots of sniffing and she peed lots of times too. LOL! I scooped Tibby Whiskers box and she looked like she wanted out of the bonus room but I made her stay in there. I wasn't sure if I should let her outside.... and since she has been sick I was hesitant to.
Winters & Nixon - Winters, Nixon and I have been playing a lot of fetch with their tennis balls. Winters didn't feel like sharing his ball with Nixon today. He just sat in the grass gnawing away so I found another one just for Nixon. It was funny to watch Winters finally take an interest in what Nixon was doing. Winters wasn't sure if he should drop his ball and chase after Nixon's or hold on to his -- quite the dilemma. They sure are enjoying the nice weather we are having. They also love their late night treats!