dog walking on Fri 2/18
Happy 15th Birthday to my niece Courtney. She is pictured on the website on the home page. If you watch the flash box, she is the little girl holding the chihuahua. Hadley & Ollie - Ollie is the early riser and Hadley is like the teenager who would sleep in all morning or so it seems to me. I think only one morning has Hadley come into the room before I've gotten up. Ollie has definitely been the first one up every morning! They're doing just great and the house is fine too!
Charlie - Charlie was really happy to see me when I came into today. We went for a nice stroll. He stopped to do a lot of sniffing so I let him. When we got back to the yard, I let him off the leash so I could navigate down the slope without holding on to him too. Well... it is fairly warm today and Charlie decided to take a swim. I'd TOTALLY forgotten about "his pool" and the next thing I know he's standing in it drinking the water. Ugh! I found a towel and toweled him off before he came in the house. Crazy Charlie!! :)