Dog Walking on Tues Jan 19
Brady & Ferguson had a play date. I think they all would've had a really good time if we could've gotten rid of the leashes. Ferguson didn't pay as much attention to Keagan and none of them were really into taking a walk. (not that any of us were surprised by that!) I thought they would've played a little more but they actually laid down a lot, sniffed each other and attempted to play some.
Sunny & Louis - we went for a nice walk today. It was just beautiful outside. Sunny was squinting at one point! He pooped but Louis didn't today.
Lucy - I saw something today on my walk with Lucy that I've never seen before.... and I'm kind of wishing that I hadn't seen it. A very large bird (perhaps a hawk) flying across the street in front of us with a squirrel in its claws. Ewww! I know it's nature and all but I just don't want to see it. Lucy and I have been taking the same route lately and she knows it. She starts to turn down the right streets everytime. She's smart!
Max - Max stayed outside for a long time today... I think he enjoyed the nice weather too!
Cleo - Cleo and I walked to the park and back. She did roll around in the grass twice on the way... and then she is covered in grass when she gets up. I tried to get it out of her fur!