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Dog Walking on Friday 1/15/2010

Brady & Ferguson - Ferguson wasn't up for much exercise today.  We walked all the way around the circle but he sat down several times and really had to be coaxed to walking again.  He seemed like he felt fine.... I think he was just having a lazy day. Louis, Sunny and Lola - Louis and Sunny enjoyed their walk today.  They played again some too - chasing each other around.  I closed the door when I went in the room with Lola because the maid was vacuuming.  Lola seemed afraid - she just quivered.  I picked her up and held her and that seemed to help.  I couldn't get her to pee though when I'd put her down on the potty pad.  She had used the one in her crate.  She would eat a little bit when I'd put it on my hand but I think she was more concerned about the noise the vacuum was making.

Max - Max definitely likes this warmer weather.  He went outside and peed and then he sniffed quite a bit.

Big dog, little bed.  Seeing Deja do this again made my day!  Funny!

Marley was the easiest to get a picture of because he laid down.  Hes a real sweetheart!

Seeing this huge dog with a stuffed animal in her mouth was funny.  I had to laugh at Paris!

Daisy moved around so much I couldnt get a decent pix of her.  Perhaps she needs a new photographer :)

Daisy, Deja, Marley & Paris - I got to hang out with the big dogs tonight (well one of them isn't so big but she thinks she is!!)  haha  I walked Daisy first and she was easy.  As we discussed, it is nice when I know that I am stronger than her.  Then I walked Deja.  Of course right when we got in front of your house down by the street I see a man walking toward us (on the other side of the street) with his dog off-leash.  Deja sees them too and starts barking.  I had ahold of her good but trying to get her to walk was a little challenging but I did and they kept going to.  After that, the walk was uneventful :)  Marley was ready to go when we got back and like you said, all you have to do is say his name and he looks at you like "what'd I do wrong?"  He is strong though but such a sweetie.  Everybody peed several times and they all pooped too.  When we got back I fed them and then Deja licked everyone else's bowls.  Then she picked up what I think was a dinasaur and had to show it to me.  I tried to get her pix with it but I couldn't b/c she wouldn't stand still.  I had fun!  Thanks for letting me hang out with them tonight.  And thanks for the hot chocolate... no one has ever left me a treat before.  That was really nice of you!